Real Estate Investor MD has been featured In ...

White Coat Investor
Physician Wealth Systems
Prudent Plastic Surgeon

If you have—or will soon have—an MD behind your name, you should NOT be sacrificing anymore.

Hello, practicing physicians and aspiring investors! 🙌

The Real Estate Investor MD is #1 step-by-step real estate investment education program designed specifically for building wealth in your first 10 years of practice.

As a medical professional, you've already sacrificed enough.
Your days are slammed with challenges and achievements. But what about your financial health and your family's security, right now? What about your stress levels and your identify outside of your practice, right now?

(Or... maybe you're just here because your accountant told you to spend more money, LOL!)

If you have—or will soon have—an MD behind your name, right now is your best opportunity to maximize ROI on all of your sacrifice. 💪

The Real Estate Investor MD program is designed specifically for doctors like us who want to diversify our portfolios AND our identities PLUS take advantage of the huge tax benefits and borrowing leverage we have to build financial freedom—without waiting 10+ years to do it!

See what we offer →

"Last year, I was 49 with no knowledge of Real Estate. Thanks to Franky, I’m now on my track."

- Bill Bayaud

"Listening and analyzing the Real Estate as Investor with Franky has changed my life because of his online course! I learned a lot of things from him! 

- Iris Bonn Del Mundo

"From buried in debt to living the life of my dreams, Thank you Doc!"

- Susan Smith

"I discovered a way to purchase $2 million of real estate with no money down while still in orthopedic surgery residency. I had no savings, $190K in med school debt and was making $48k/year working endless hours to hone my orthopedic knowledge. Fast-forward 3 years, and I've grown my portfolio to $4.5 million, and my family and I are well on our way to long-term financial freedom and security."

👋 Hi, I'm Franky!

I'm an orthopedic surgeon in rural south Georgia who's navigated his way through the maze of real estate investment as a new physician.

I started as a second-year resident. Now after only my third year of practice, my personal real estate investment portfolio tops $4.5 million (and growing!)

It wasn't easy at first, but then I discovered an easy-to-follow formula that changed my life. Determined to get out of debt ASAP, I consumed more than 200 online learning resources and 25+ books on personal finance and real estate investing—usually with a single ear bud in one ear while doing my clinical work.

I've been told what I uncovered is groundbreaking—especially for new doctors like me.

I finally uncovered a SECRET hidden in plain sight that only doctors like us can take advantage of. 

After sharing my novel approach with friends and peers, I quickly realized my mix of traditional and non-traditional techniques was not well-known among my ranks. So on their encouragement, I documented my exact step-by-step formula I use for my real estate deals—plus a ton of other practical context and hard-learned lessons I picked up along the way.

Before long, I had comprehensive library of easy-to-follow micro-learning lessons designed specifically for new real estate investing doctors like you and me. I'm told it's the #1 program of its kind. I hope my journey can inspire you, while providing you a practical roadmap to your own financial security so you, too, can practice medicine the way you always wanted—free from the burdensome debt and physician burnout that's become disturbingly common in our field.

Read Franky's story →

“How I bought 57 doors in residency: My journey and Q&A session” 

See exactly how I acquired my first $650K real estate investment property with ZERO-money-down while still in residency.

Reserve your spot now (or hop on the waitlist for my next one)→

You can be a successful Medical Doctor AND Real Estate Investor

My program is designed specifically for new real estate investing doctors who want to get started fast like I did but don't have a ton of time between your other clinical and personal responsibilities.

Tell me more →

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